Monday, January 30, 2017

A fantasy phone call between Trump and the police

People-photograph-a-naked-statue-of-US-Republican-presidential-nominee-Donald-Trump-that-was-leftPhoto: Reuters

Donald Trump: Hello, this is Donald Trump from USA. I am calling from the White House. Is that the police?
Police: My God! Is it really you? Unbelievable! We are honoured! Yes , sir, we are the police, the friend of people (excluding journalists).
Trump: Warmest greetings, friend of people! Hats off,  buddy. I wish I could fly to you to give you a bear hug for what you have done.  Bravo! Bravo!
Police:  Sorry, sir, I don't understand why you're so excited. Would you please explain?
Trump: Oh, please, stop being so modest! You are indeed great. You are the real police. The rest are just black sheep. Shame on them.
Police:  Now we are really confused. Would you explain...
Trump: You beat up few representatives of dishonest peoples.
Police: Now I get it. You are probably talking about journalists.
Trump: Don't call them journalists. They are dishonest people. They are wicked.  You taught them a good lesson.  They wrote stupid things about me, didn't you notice?
Police:  I know, sir. They want to poke their noses into everything. Look at the power plant issue. It is being constructed near a forest. So what? They are going all berserk over this issue. I don't understand why care so much about some plants and animals. They crossed the line and we... 
Trump: You did the right thing. Plants and animals are cheap stuff compared to  electricity worth millions of dollars. If they are so compassionate about the forest, they could just pack their bags and go live there.
Police: Ha! Ha! Ha! You are right. They go on blabbering on and one at the slightest chance. They cannot accept the fact that the nation is developing.
Trump:  Exactly. I will teach these yellow journalists a good lesson. The sand truck idea I borrowed from you was a big hit. I think I should try this beating up thing too.
Police: You are right. Give us a call if you need any help. We are pros in this department.
Trump: Of course. Please, pay a visit to White House. We could talk over this issue.
Police: I will.
Trump: Okay, bye now. Make America...sorry, make the police great again.
Police: Sir, the police don't have to be made great. WE ARE ALREDY GREAT.
(This is a satirical write-up)
**The write-up originally published in Prothom Alo print edition is rewritten in English by Kohinur Khyum


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